Trademark Registration

Register your name and logo as a trademark now through Bastion IP. This will give you a cast-iron right with which you can effectively prohibit any competitor from misusing your company name, product name or logo. Your trademark right also gives you the right to prohibit any other use of a confusing name or logo. This safeguards your identity.

Why Register Your Trademark?

Trademark rights usually arise through registration, not through first use?
An infringer must reimburse the trademark owner for all damages and costs, including his attorney fees?
√ A trademark right is much stronger than a common-law company name right? This is because a trademark can be found in a publicly available online register. Therefore, your competitor could have known that he was infringing your rights. Also, company name law does not protect logos or product names.
We can register your company name, product name or logo for ten years from € 540. This includes the official fees.

Certainty of further use:

In addition, after registering your company name and logo as a trademark, you know for sure that a subsequent user or filer will never acquire older rights to a similar name than you. After all, you have a trademark right of which the starting date is fixed: the filing date.

For Brand Protection